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All music is just performances of 4'33" in studios where another band happened to be playing at the time.
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4203 days ago
4204 days ago
Denver, CO
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11 public comments
4200 days ago
Given the amount of background noise mics pick up, this is just about impossible.
4198 days ago
That's Cage's (and, I presume, Randall's) point. It's not 4:33 of silence; it's 4:33 of attention to background noise.
4201 days ago
Thanks to the teacher whose name I can't remember, who taught the music course I can't remember, that allowed me to get this.
Los Angeles
4203 days ago
4203 days ago
New Hampshire
4203 days ago
solo per appassionati
4203 days ago
Love it.
Sydney, Australia
4203 days ago
Music nerd alert
4203 days ago
Remember to take a moment of silence before you guffaw. Well that's what I did.
Columbus, Ohio
4204 days ago
Hehehe...music nerd joke :P
4203 days ago
4204 days ago
Budapest, Hungary
4204 days ago
Copyright nerds will find this one especially good.
Ojai, CA, US

Audio highlights from Proposition 8 oral argument

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Click here for audio highlights from the Proposition 8 oral argument. 

In association with Bloomberg Law

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4222 days ago
Denver, CO
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→ Supreme Court On Gay Marriage: ‘Sure, Who Cares’

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The Onion:

“Yeah, of course gay men and women can get married. Who gives a shit?” said Chief Justice John Roberts, who interrupted attorney Charles Cooper’s opening statement defending Proposition 8, which rescinded same-sex couples’ right to marry in California. “Why are we even seriously discussing this?”

∞ Permalink

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4223 days ago
Denver, CO
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4215 days ago
I wish they would. I REALLY wish they would.
Space City, USA
4214 days ago
first time I saw this I thought it was legit since it was marco.org, didn't see the onion until I clicked through.

E. B. White

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"I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult."
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4224 days ago
Denver, CO
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Today's Email Incident

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Earlier today a routine system email was incorrectly sent to many of our GitHub Enterprise customers. In these errant emails, customer email addresses were included in the To: field, making them visible to anyone who received the message.

We are very sorry about this. We have determined what caused this incident and contacted all affected customers directly.


The incident occured in the Rails application we use to manage trials and customer contact information for GitHub Enterprise, not the product itself. No GitHub Enterprise installations were affected, and no license keys or any other data were exposed. GitHub.com was not affected.

As part of a routine daily process, the system notifies the members of any organization whose license is about to expire about the upcoming need for renewal. The app builds an email message including the addresses of all of the active accounts tied to the given organization, putting them in the To: field to enhance deliverability. This morning, the email included a great many more addresses than expected.

Technical details

Yesterday the Rails core team released four security patches (CVE-2013-1854, CVE-2013-1855, CVE-2013-1856, CVE-2013-1857). We immediately reviewed the patches and updated our Rails applications to stay current. Unfortunately one of these security patches included a change that caused certain SQL queries to behave unexpectedly.

Here's an example of this change in behavior:

class Organization has_many :teams attr_accessible :name, :has_octocats scope :has_octocats_scope, lambda { where(:has_octocats => true) } def self.has_octocats_class_method where(:has_octocats => true) end end class Team < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :organization attr_accessible :name def self.using_octocats_scope where(:organization_id => Organization.has_octocats_scope.select(:id)) end def self.using_octocats_class_method where(:organization_id => Organization.has_octocats_class_method.select(:id)) end end > github = Organization.create(:name => "GitHub", :has_octocats => true) > acme = Organization.create(:name => "Acme", :has_octocats => false) > github.teams.create(:name => "Supportocats") > acme.teams.create(:name => "Roadrunners") > github.id #=> 1 > acme.id #=> 2 

So, an Organization owns a number of Team records. We've defined a couple of methods to help us scope queries for teams to only those organizations that have octocats. Ideally, both of these methods will scope to the same thing: only Team records with an organization_id of 1, the GitHub Organization. And prior to this latest Rails release, they did.

But the latest release of Rails introduced a subtle change to this behavior. Let's try to make some queries based on the Organization's teams:

> teams = github.teams Team Load (0.4ms) SELECT `teams`.* FROM `teams` WHERE `teams`.`organization_id` = 1 > teams.length # => 1 > teams.first.name # => "Supportocats" 

Great. Here we've asked for the GitHub organization's teams, and we've gotten the correct one, "Supportocats", back. All is good so far. Now let's use one of our scopes, just to be extra specific:

> teams = github.teams.using_octocats_class_method Team Load (0.4ms) SELECT `teams`.* FROM `teams` WHERE `teams`.`organization_id` = 1 AND `teams`.`organization_id` IN (1) > teams.length # => 1 > teams.first.name # => "Supportocats" 

The results are the same, but the query is different. By going through an extra scope, we've added an additional SQL predicate, one that says the returned Team records must belong to an Organization that has octocats. Since the GitHub team has them, the result is the same.

Let's try our scope that is restricted to octocat-having teams on the Acme org:

> teams = acme.teams.using_octocats_class_method Team Load (0.4ms) SELECT `teams`.* FROM `teams` WHERE `teams`.`organization_id` = 2 AND `teams`.`organization_id` IN (1) > teams.length # => 0 

Here we see a different result, as expected, and a similar query, again asking for all of the Acme organization's teams that also belong to an Organization that has octocats. The Acme Organization has none, so no teams are returned.

But now we come to an unexpected difference. In the last couple of examples, we were using an Arel scope on Organization that was defined as a normal class method. But if we change to using the scope defined with ActiveRecord's scope method, we get unexpected and potentially dangerous results:

> teams = acme.teams.using_octocats_scope Team Load (0.4ms) SELECT `teams`.* FROM `teams` WHERE `teams`.`organization_id` IN (1) > teams.length # => 1 > teams.first.name # => "Supportocats" 

Now the Acme organization is returning the GitHub organization's teams! This is obviously bad behavior. What's happening? In this case, when using the scope method to define an Arel scope on Organization, the where clause of the scope is overriding the condition imposed by the Organization#teams association. The part of the WHERE clause meant to restrict the query to Team records related to the Acme organization was dropped.

We've narrowed down this change in behavior to this commit. We have fixed this issue on our affected applications and are working with the Rails core team to determine if this change was intentional as well as what action other users should take.

What we're doing about it

We're reviewing every piece of GitHub code that touches email so we can keep this from happening in the future. We're focusing on more stringent automated tests, sanity checks on email recipients, and even more careful review when we upgrade an external dependency like Rails.

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4230 days ago
Denver, CO
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4229 days ago
Ouch: a Rails security update subtly changed ActiveRecord's generated SQL. ORM dev nightmare…
Washington, DC

Yogurt For Men: A Review

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Yogurt For Men: A Review

That's pronounced "Man, Go!"


Last week on Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me, we talked about a new yogurt for men, or brogurt, from a company called Powerful Yogurt. Here's what our panelist, comedian Jessi Klein, had to say about it:

"If male yogurt marketing is anywhere near as annoying as female yogurt marketing, you are in for a treat. Every female yogurt commercial is basically like women in a wedding dress just petting a kitten and eating yogurt."

Powerful sent us a crate of the stuff this week. It arrived as all manly products do, carried by a Navy Seal who then punches it into your face.

I haven't been this intimidated by a yogurt since that cup of Activia was valedictorian of my high school.


The first thing you notice about the Powerful Yogurt container is that it has a six pack. Later editions will come with a beer gut and will never take their shirt off at the beach, insisting it's just because they "burn easily."

Peter: I liked the fact there was no lid. You had to smash it on your forehead to get to it.

Ian: I guess this is pretty manly, but not as manly as that Dannon flavor you have to hunt and kill with your bare hands.

Mike: This is good. Like, this is "morning after a night in a Tijuana brothel and I still have both my kidneys" good.

You don't get a body like Robert's without doing your daily yogurt squats.


Brogurt doesn't taste so different than regular yogurt. We were sort of hoping for manly flavors, like "Truck" or "Mixed Berry Martial Arts."

Miles: I could really go for some "Essence of Burt Reynolds."

Mike: I like that yogurt flavor titles do not appear on bill.

Robert: I love the effect this is having on everybody. Finally, Eva can sing baritone in my barbershop quartet.

Eva: Could do without this chest hair, though.

[The verdict: not bad. I'm not sure if there's anything in it that actually made me any manlier, but after eating it, I did win seven straight Tours de France.]

The amazing thing: Peter's arm was completely hairless before trying this yogurt.


This review comes from the folks at Sandwich Monday, a satirical feature from the humorists at Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me!

Copyright 2013 NPR. To see more, visit http://www.npr.org/.
Copyright 2013 NPR. To see more, visit http://www.npr.org/.
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4232 days ago
Denver, CO
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